Over 37 Million tons of electronic waste have been thrown out worldwide and counting...
Click below to find the live tracking.
1. It's A World-Wide Toxic Problem
E-Waste is the fastest growing waste problem that is happening amongst us worldwide right now. With over 50 million tons of electronic waste being thrown out annually and releasing toxins that are causing a huge ripple effect on our & the future generation.
2. The Big Impact
The harmful process of E-Waste is causing a big impact on our health today as we know it...
But do we really know how bad?
With the landfills of unrecyclable electronics, spreading harmful toxins around central Africa and spreading, it's causing Multiple issues like birth defects:
· Damage to the central and peripheral nervous system.
· Distorted blood composition
· Damaged Lung, Livers and Kidneys
In the worst cases, Death.
What Is Really Happening To Recycled Electronics?
As we know it a lot of E-waste is being shipped off to Asia and Africa to be "Recycled" but when it reaches these places it does not end here.
Most of it is being burned by the local children (who are likely to have more impact on their health than adults)
How To Book A Collection?
You can book online via the BOOK NOW portal alternately you can book a collection via
Email info@smsrecycling.co.uk Telephone 01276 20916